Find the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about Power Pilates Education programs. If you have a question that is not answered here, contact the Education Department at info@powerpilates.com for assistance.

Common Questions About Pilates & Pilates Instructor Training.

About Pilates

1) Why choose Power Pilates for your practice?

2) Who can do Pilates?

3) How does Pilates prevent injuries?

4) How often should I do Pilates?

5) Do I have to do a Mat class before a private?

6) Can Pilates help with lower back pain?

7) Will I actually look taller?

8) Is Mat work easier than an apparatus session?

9) Is this a cardio workout?

10) Will I lose weight doing Pilates?

11) How is Pilates different from other exercise methods?

12) What is the difference between Power Pilates and Pilates?

13) What is Pilates?

14) What is the difference between Classical and Contemporary Pilates?

Becoming a Teacher

15) How do I get started?

16) How long are your Teacher Training programs?

17) Can I take a Teacher Training while pregnant?

18) Is there a break for lunch during the weekend?

19) Can I miss part of the training?

20) Do you offer payment plans?

21) Can I attend Teacher Trainings in different cities?

22) Do you offer a Bridge program for instructors certified by other Pilates organizations?

23) Does Power Pilates offer discounts to military personnel?

24) Are there breaks during the weekend intensive?

25) Can I miss part of the training?

26) Why Power Pilates Education? What philosophy does your program follow?

27) What is the mission of Power Pilates?

28) Who can become a Power Pilates teacher?

29) How should I prepare for the course?

30) What is the Power Pilates Mat Academy?

31) Are Mat intensives better than the Academy?

32) Is the Comprehensive program better than the System Training program?

33) Where is the Power Pilates certification recognized?

34) What is included in the tuition cost?

35) Does Power Pilates offer a student discount?

36) Does Power Pilates offer scholarships?

37) What health and safety precautions do training studios take?

38) What is the minimum age to attend Power Pilates programs?

39) What is the Power Pilates Code of Conduct?

Power Pilates Studios

40) Where is your flagship studio located?

41) Do you offer virtual Pilates Classes?

42) What is Power Pilates Live?

43) How can I find a Power Pilates teacher?

Power Pilates Teachers

44) Now that I'm a Power Pilates instructor, where can I earn my Power Pilates CECs?

45) How do I host Power Pilates education programs?

46) What is the Power Pilates Curriculum Committee?

47) Where can I buy Power Pilates apparel?

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